The owner of Soul Tea Co reiki-infuses all tea blends. This means that the blends contain Reiki Energy!

The owner of Soul Tea Co reiki-infuses all tea blends. This means that the blends contain Reiki Energy!

What is Reiki (pronounced “Raykee”) and why is it awesome that all Soul Tea Co Blends are reiki-infused?

Reiki is a Japanese word that means “Universal life force energy”. It was discovered in the mid-19th century in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui. It is believed to be an ancient practice based in Tibetan Buddhist texts. In the last 20 years, Reiki has been spreading rapidly throughout the world. Reiki is now incorporated into many healthcare settings. Several major studies on the effects of Reiki are now underway.

How Does it Work?

Energy flows through the hands of the practitioner as the recipient draws it. It restores balance and harmony to the human energy system. It supports and accelerates the body’s natural healing ability. It promotes healing on all levels —physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Other benefits: Supports the immune system, accelerates healing, relieves pain, reduces stress and tension, provides a feeling of relaxation, balance, and increased well being.

Reiki is non-invasive, has no side effects or contraindications. It is natural healing energy!